10 Tips To Combat Acne & Achieve Clear Skin



1. Celery Juice – Drinking 8 oz of celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach has been recommended by estheticians ( specialists in the beautification of the skin). Celery juice helps heal you from the inside. Your skin reacts to what you're putting into your body so if you fill your body with processed foods, dairy products, and sugars your skin may be screaming for help with pimples. Celery juice also has plenty of benefits for your digestive system.

  • 1 Whole Organic Celery

  • 1 Organic Cucumber

I like to purchase my fruit & veggies from my local Trader Joe’s because the prices are inexpensive for organic produce. Shopping at the farmers market is also another great option for fresh cost-effective produce. I also prefer to make my juices in a juicer instead of a blender. If you still don’t like the taste add a lemon to the final cup and you’ll have a much easier time drinking it!

2. Drink plenty of water – I know this is so cliché to say but it’s important. Drinking plenty of water throughout your day is not just good for your health but good for your skin. Aim to drink at least half your body weight in ounces on a daily basis. For example: if you weigh 120 pounds aim to drink 60 ounces of water a day. I recommend getting yourself a water bottle that has the ounces labeled on it so you can feel a sense of accomplishment as you drink water throughout the day, it’s also a great way to keep track. If you don’t like the taste of plain water spice it up a bit and add some lemon, lime, or cucumbers. Tip: Cucumbers soaked in water help flush the kidneys and bladder of bacteria and it’s anti-inflammatory!

3. Vitamin C – Introduce your skincare to products that are high in Vitamin C. Your skin will thank you later trust me. When I began introducing my skin to vitamin c my skin changed for the better. Vitamin C can lessen the appearance of scars and marks on your face. It can improve the appearance of your skin’s surface because it’s an antioxidant which means it protects the skin from damaging free radicals caused by over-exposure to UV rays. Vitamin C helps your skin through its natural regeneration process, which helps repair damaged skin. Your skin will look radiant because of this step so if you haven’t added it to your routine I recommend you do so ASAP.

4. Probiotics – Supplementing probiotics into your daily routine can be the missing key you’ve been searching for. Probiotics aid in a healthy gut which if you don’t know, poor gut health can cause your skin to react negatively with breakouts. I take my probiotics consistently once a day before bed. My favorite probiotics are from Organic Olivia's “Not Your Average Probiotic” the name said’s it all, her products are all organic & I am a huge supporter of her products because of the heavy research and time she takes to make her products. To understand the benefits in more detail head to her website where she breaks it all down.

5. Cleanser – Get yourself a facial cleanser for your skin type. If you’re currently using a cleanser that doesn’t match your skin type and concerns you may be doing more harm than good without realizing it. If you have sensitive skin try to stick with products that are free of fragrances. When picking your cleanser pay attention to the skin concern that the product is targeting. A few products I would recommend Ktchn Apothecary Hydrating Face Wash (normal to dry skin) if you have oily skin or a combination try out their Toleraine Purifying Foaming Face Wash. This product is recommended by many dermatologists and was the first cleanser that helped clear up my skin. Soothe Moisturizer by Oleum Skin Care is hydrating but has a light consistency and is perfect for sensitive skin because it’s free of fragrances. Additionally, I have an amazon list of my favorite skincare products you can refer to as well.

6. Vitamin A (Anti-Oxidant) When used topically Vitamin A can heal the skin by normalizing and increasing skin cell turnover which boosts radiance and helps shed damaged & pigmented skin. It aids in preventing breakouts by preventing the amount of sebum or oils that your skin produces. Over-production of sebum or oils clogs your pores and leads to breakouts, if that production of oils becomes regulated it equals fewer breakouts. Using Vitamin A directly onto your skin reduces acne by 50% just imagine if you’re ingesting it. There are two ways to ingest it: Animal Liver (Beef) or COD Liver Capsules use code "BuyNow10" for $ off. I take these capsules daily as part of my routine. These capsules are also high in Omega 3 which has additional health benefits.

7. Zinc – This mineral is the key to success because it benefits so much more than just your skin. Its immune booster aids in wound healing, thyroid function, blood clotting and so much more. This amazing mineral works as an antioxidant, it helps heal and rejuvenate the skin and helps keep away those acne flare-ups if you suffer from acne this is going to help you so much. As I mentioned above Vitamin A is great at reducing sebum production, well zinc aids in the transport of Vitamin A. So it is recommended that you take both capsules together for better results. I usually order mine from Organic Olivia.

8. Liver Support – If you are currently feeling sluggish, experiencing acne breakouts, or dealing with digestion issues this may be helpful for you. By providing nutrients to your liver you are aiding and supporting your body’s natural detoxification functions. When we eliminate the toxins and excess hormones there is a balance that can result in clear skin. The Liver Juice I take daily is known as a tincture. It’s made from organic herbs, all you need is a drop a day which can be taken with water or put into your tea, coffee, or smoothie as a little sweetener. You can also support your liver by supplementing magnesium or b vitamins.

9. Collagen Supplementation - Adding collagen to your routine can help aid in keeping your skin firm and supple. As we age our natural production of collagen decreases. Collagen has many benefits for your skin but also aids in increasing muscle mass, preventing bone loss, and relieving joint pain to name a few. The only collagen brand I recommend is vital proteins, I’ve done my research on this brand, and it’s clean and great to use. Unfortunately, most collagen brands out there have harmful metals in them which can cause a lot of harm to the body including cancer and reproductive issues. This brand has been cleared and does not use metals with its products and is dairy and gluten-free. I enjoy this one from further food because it is unflavored and can be added to protein shakes and smoothies easily.

10. Digestive Bitters – What are bitters? Before I started my acne journey I had no idea what Digestive bitters were, honestly I had never heard of them. Digestive bitters are essentially a way to get your body to enter parasympathetic mode aka becoming very calm + ready to eat by helping your body produce the natural stomach acids needed to properly digest your meal. By introducing your body to these bitters your stomach can fully absorb the nutrients in your food and extract them for your benefit. Why are bitters relevant to our skin? Remember I mentioned the gut’s association with the skin, well if you can help your body extract the nutrients it needs to work optimally, your skin will reflect those results. Skin improvement is a direct result of gut improvement. Digestive Bitters have become a part of my daily routine before every meal.

My Daily Supplements For My Acne:

  1. Liver Juice

  2. Zinc

  3. COD Liver Capsules

  4. Probiotic

  5. Digestive Bitters Before Every Meal

This is not medical advice, I am not a doctor but I am sharing because this has worked for me and given me the ability to address the root cause of my acne outbreaks. I am sharing in hopes to help someone who may be going through their acne journey. If this helped you please give it a like and share it with someone who may benefit from it. In the comments share what works for your skin, I’m always willing and ready to learn more.

With Love,

Priscilla Ashley


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